
Walker Fairway is an organisational design and development consultancy, established to support public, private and third sector organisations through transformation. 

The company focuses upon 5 services or a combination of these for clients:

INSIGHTS: Organisational development and strategy to identify issues and opportunities, select priorities and deliver transformation. 

INVOLVE: Engaging leaders, managers and employees through change programmes and Organisational Development initiatives

FRESHLOOK: Reviewing and scoping initiatives and change programmes, from design through recovery to evaluation

INFLUENCE: Coaching leaders and change networks to deliver change themselves using a variety of techniques and fun approaches

TRANSLATOR: For consultancies - interpreting the language in a tender document to enable you to respond to clients effectively

Examples of Alison's consulting work at Channel 3 Consulting and Atos Consulting

Programme managing the transition of NHS bodies in South West London to new commissioning organisations

Partnering with a major leading CCG to deliver the People workstream on a Better Care Fund Programme, working directly with frontline staff in community, MH, local authority, GP and voluntary organisations to develop new ways of working and person-centred care

OD and L&D strategies and delivery in commissioning organisations in the West Midlands, teambuilding seminars and workshops to place people at the heart and mind of services design, transformation and delivery

Communications Director for a major outsourced IT service at one of the largest government departments with responsibility for overall change management across the portfolio of 100+ projects

Design of operating models, job descriptions and organograms and engagement on several government and NHS reorganisations, including staffside and union engagement pre, during and post staff consultation

Recovery of a clinical services review for a major NHS acute hospital to support financial recovery and future strategic direction of the Trust

Contact us to discuss our services and how we can support you.